Moon Poet and Ratero Ratero chat about the effects of quarantine on their personal perceptions of gender as well as their relationships with Latinx masculinity.
Ep. 22- How to Avoid Revolutionary Burnout (feat. Harry Styles)
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough chat with their friends Grace and Amy from the BFAF Podcast about Harry Styles's Vogue photo shoot and how to overcome revolutionary burnout.
Check out Grace and Amy’s podcast!
Grace: @grace_jessicaa
Amy: @heyits_amyjay
Ep. 21- J.K. Rowling: A Measured Response (Part 2)
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough call up Al in Spain and talk about the most recent news surrounding J.K. Rowling and her TERF ideology.
No intro/outro music again, we might have to change it up once again. This is part 2 of 2 parts.
Ep. 21- J.K. Rowling: A Measured Response (Part 1)
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough call up Al in Spain and talk about the most recent news surrounding J.K. Rowling and her TERF ideology.
No intro/outro music again, we might have to change it up once again. This is part 1 of 2 parts.
Ep. 20-"The Champ" Interview
Whooping Cough interviews Moon Poet about their recent performance titled “the champ: to touch and be touched” for the group show Objects Who Hold, Objects Who Let Go at La Estación Gallery. The title of the piece is inspired by the essay “Ten Theses on Touch, or, Writing Touch” by Dr. Hypatia Vourloumis.
We recorded this episode in mid-to-late January 2020 (pre-pandemic). There are several mentions to future events at the gallery but they, unfortunately, were cancelled. The performance involved being in a small bathroom with another person, a type of intimacy that seems almost foreign now in a six-feet-apart world. I wonder if we will ever be able to do such a performance again in the next couple years.
This episode does not have an intro or outro theme because Garageband is being weird.
Since we don’t know when the next episode will be coming out there are a few important messages: BLACK LIVES MATTER. BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER. ACAB. Happy (belated) pride month, but honestly pride should be every month. WEAR YOUR MASKS IN PUBLIC OR JUST STAY HOME. KEEP PROTESTING, DONATING, LEARNING. WE LOVE YOU.
Ep. 19 Flamin' Hot Everything (Part 2)
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough just ramble on about the album that they’re working on, performance art, YouTube, and cancel culture. This is part 2 of 2.
Ep. 19 Flamin' Hot Everything (Part 1)
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough just ramble on about monster love stories, bathroom Reese’s, and funeral birthdays. This is part 1 of 2, next one comes out tomorrow (1/17)!
Ep 18. Part 2: TRUTH OR TRUTH (ACTIVATED!) or The One Where We Rip Off "Just Between Us" Even More Than We Usually Do
(Part 2 of 2) Whooping Cough and Moon Poet discuss the thirteenth episode of the “Just Between Us” Podcast with Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin as well as have a heart-to-heart conversation about alcohol. You do not need to have listened to that podcast to know what we are talking about, but you can check it out here. Oh, and we finally answer some listener questions we got over a year ago.
Ep. 18 PART 1: TRUTH OR TRUTH (ACTIVATED!) or The One Where We Rip Off "Just Between Us" Even More Than We Usually Do
(Part 1 of 2) Whooping Cough and Moon Poet discuss the thirteenth episode of the “Just Between Us” Podcast with Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin as well as have a heart-to-heart conversation about alcohol. You do not need to have listened to that podcast to know what we are talking about, but you can check it out here. Oh, and we finally answer some listener questions we got over a year ago.
Ep. 17 if a reboot falls in the forest is it really a reboot
AND WE’RE BACK! Moon Poet and Whooping Cough talk about what they’ve been up to since the last episode: artistic projects, watching movies and never-ending gender feelings.
Ep. 15 Survey of Bra Stealing
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough take a walk down memory lane and discuss their changing thoughts/reactions to gender in their lives.
Ep. 14 "San Junipero" and Lesbian Representation in Media w/Grace the Ghost Host!
Moon Poet interviews an old friend of the podcast, Grace the Ghost Host! They had a lively conversation about the Black Mirror episode "San Junipero" written by Charlie Brooker and how it stands up against current lesbian representation in television and movies. You can follow Grace the Ghost Host on Twitter!
Mild spoilers for Supergirl, Wynonna Earp, The Good Place and the webseries Carmilla.
MAJOR spoilers for "San Junipero," just watch it!
Ep. 13 Men Have Been Taught Wrong (a #metoo response)
This episode was recorded during the beginning of the #metoo campaign in response to sexual assault allegations in Hollywood.
The comic Whooping Cough references.
TW: sexual assault, rape
Ep. 12 Poet and Cough Talk Chickens
True ignorance is shown about the reproduction habits of chickens and Moon Poet yells, A LOT.
For further info on chicken reproduction check out this amazing video.
Ep. 11 Feeling Brown, Feeling Down
Whooping Cough and Moon Poet talk about José Esteban Muñoz's theory on the performance of race and depression amongst Latinx individuals. This episode is the first part of a series where they will read and talk about queer theory and art. You do not need to have read Muñoz's article "Feeling Brown, Feeling Down: Latina Affect, the Performativity of Race, and the Depressive Position," but it's worth checking it out if you can!
Artworks mentioned:
Nao Bustamante's "Neapolitan"
Marina Ambramovic's "The Onion"
Christopher Soto's Sad Girl Poems (chapbook, currently sold out)
Ep. 10 resolutions are like diets
Moon Poet and Whooping Cough discuss what they hate/love about New Years resolutions including future plans for the podcast!
Episode 9.5 they/them podcast reacts to the halloween special!
Whooping Cough and Moon Poet listen to and comment on the Halloween Special (Episode 9). In full acknowledgement of the mediocre writing they have created a drinking game which you can play at home while listening! They also get very meta about the podcast and their plans for the future of this project.
Ep. 9 the one you were never meant to hear (halloween)
Viagra in her natural state.
The They/Them Podcast Halloween Special! Whooping Cough gets in a lot of trouble with Viagra, a haunted doll. Moon Poet curses a lot. VERY SPOOPY!
written/directed/edited by Whooping Cough
Ep. 8 teenagers scare the living $#!+ out of me
Whooping Cough and Moon Poet discuss never-ending adolescence and their favorite seasons of "Arrested Development."